I sure did. James made waffles with a homemade berry syrup for breakfast and my Lola Coring came down to join us.

After breakfast, Henry took his morning nap, and Lola, Calvin and I Skyped with my mom while James cleaned up and packed our picnic lunch.
Picnics are, like, my favorite thing to do with the babies. If the weather's right, and we've got a nice spot with some space to play, a few toys and some simple, yummy food... it's the best. But the weather is key! And this wasn't one of the warmer weekends in the Bay Area where we live. So we chased the warm weather inland to Livermoore and drove all the way to Del Valle park for a sunny picnic by the lake. We had been there a couple of times in 2013, including one camping trip. It was a popular spot, but not too crowded and the weather was just what we were hoping for.
PB&J's for the kids, sourdough with tomatoes, salami, and mozzarella for the grown-ups, and sweet strawberries and watermelon for everybody. And a little milk on the side for Henry.
Our picnic spot was very near the shore of the lake.

Days like this are gorgeous and wonderful, but I find that the evenings that follow are always hard! This time it was the traffic on the drive home that got us. Crying, hangry babies stuck in the car :( But once we finally got home and our takeout sushi and tempura was on the table, we were able to all sit down together and actually have a really nice family dinner, despite the fact that it was already past the kids' bedtime (yikes!!).
How did you spend Mother's Day this year? Anybody else go on a picnic? It's the thing to do! ;)
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