It's Christmas Eve!
Granny and Danpa are in town. My home is full of food waiting to be prepared for tomorrow and
gifts that I still haven't wrapped. (I wasn't kidding about that wrapping presents on Christmas Eve thing!) I am so excited about having family over today and tomorrow to celebrate Christmas, although my apartment feels totally unprepared for it... But the cooking and the cleaning and the gift wrapping will get taken care of with a little work and a little help. It's Christmas! Miracles happen :)
I'd say our
Christmas Countdown was a success. We skipped a couple of things, but all in all it was great to have a plan to fit in all this fun stuff and it kept me from being lame and staying in watching Dinosaur Train on some of the rainy days we've had this month (Yay for rain! But raincoats and galoshes and umbrellas make it extra work to get out of the house!). Like the day we went to the library to drop off our food donations. It was pouring rain and I did
not feel like gearing up and heading out into the downpour. But I knew if we didn't go drop off our donations that day, then I'd probably forget about it because we'd be busy with our other stuff, or worse, I'd keep procrastinating and blaming it on the weather. So I pulled it together and we went, rain gear and all, puddles and all, which Calvin likes anyway :)
Here's a look back at some of the other fun stuff we did.
We read the story of Jesus' birth. |
We read "The Gingerbread Baby" and "Gingerbread Friends" and then we made some gingerbread friends of our own! |
The boys picked out new Christmas books. The Dinosaurs' Night Before Christmas, and The Night Before the Night Before Christmas. |
James cut down our Christmas tree! |
And we brought it home and decorated it. |
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