Henry had his 2 year check up this week with his regular pediatrician. She said he looks great! His height and weight haven't changed too much since his last check-up, but he is growing and he's "on the chart" so she said he's doing fine. We went through the list of his medical spcialists, now mostly former medical specialists:
Gastroenterology - cleared.
ENT - cleared.
Opthamology - two thumbs up.
Pulmonology - got a check up on the calendar in a couple of months, still using the BiPAP.
Neurology - only needs to see him once a year, we're good until spring.
He's all caught up on his immunizations, and that was it! See ya in 6 months! And while it's not nothing - He is still followed by pulmonology and neurology, he still needs a BiPAP at night, and most kids see their pediatricians once a year, not twice - it is so much less medical stuff than we've dealt with in the past.
Whew! How nice to have doctors appointments that end with, "You're good! Peace!"
(OK, not her exact words :))
It was a good reminder to me to be grateful for those months when we were having medical appointments once or twice a week between the two kiddos and those days spent in the PICU after surgery, because that's how we got to be here at "You're good! Peace!"
It's not to say that things are exactly quiet around here for Henry. He has a very full therapy schedule - 5 sessions a week, sometimes 6 - and it can feel exhausting to always have our days revolve around therapy times and doing what I can to make sure Henry is happy and ready to participate (ha.). But I will certainly take that kind of busy over a calendar full of medical appointments and hearing doctors tell us over and over again "try this" and "we'll see" and "come back in two weeks."
So with a grateful heart, I am happy to report that there is no news from Henry's 2 year check up :)
Happy Wednesday!
hooray for henray!