Hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving yesterday! We had a great day. We watched the parade with our Krispy Kreme breakfast and after naptime, we headed over to our cousins' house for a family dinner. James fried a turkey like he does every year and, like every year, it was deeeelish!! Though we always miss our far-away East coast family, we had a nice time with our California cousins :)
So many things to be thankful for, and we try to live each day with gratitude.

We are laying low this "Black Friday." James is doing some home repair stuff for my grandmother upstairs. The babies are listening to Christmas music in their jammies and playing (Calvin has been climbing and jumping on the couches like a monkey - and is taking a much needed nap at the moment - and Henry is playing with his toys like an angel.) And I am ready to whip out our Christmas decorations!! Let the Christmas season begin!
Happy Holidays :)
awesome! thanks for the pics!