
Friday, November 29, 2013


On Thankgiving, I love drinking coffee and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in my jammies. This year, Calvin got to see the parade too! James and my cousin Hartley and I treated ourselves to Krispy Kremes while we watched the marching bands and Broadway performances, the floats and giant balloons with the babies. 

Calvin gets to watch the parade! 

Henry's first Thanksgiving <3

I did a little decorating to make our little place feel festive. Calvin helped :) I took some of his fingerpainting masterpieces and turned them into a banner by cutting them into triangles and attaching them with brads! 

...and after!
My cousins brought over most of the food, but James deep fried the turkey like he does every year.

Honeybaked Ham and a Deep Fried Turkey!

Lumpia, spinach dip, cranberry relish, and an assortment of salads

Dessert station! My absolute fave this year was this cassava cake that my aunt made.
Not your traditional American Thanksgiving dessert, but so so yummy!
Two of my cousins came over with their kids, and of course Hartley and Lola (my grandmother) came down from upstairs. My aunt had to work, but she joined us later in the evening. It really was a great day. Yummy food, and a loving family. 

Henry and Hartley

Calvin had a BLAST playing with his cousins. I think I've never seen him so happy <3

Henry and Mama

Cousins and our Lola Coring <3
We always miss our east coast relatives when we can't be with them for special occasions, especially our parents and grandparents in Georgia. But we are so thankful to have wonderful family and friends out here and we love any excuse to get together with them to eat, and laugh, and celebrate. And our thoughts and prayers continue to be with our relatives in the Philippines as they recover from the devastation of the typhoon. For info on our efforts to send aid to our family and their community in Leyte, please check out our website, YouCaring: Philippine Typhoon Relief

1 comment:

  1. I'm breaking the commentless cycle. #BreakingTheCycle #YouAintGotTheAnswers #LayersUponLayers #OnionsUponOnions #GradientsUponGradients
