
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Look Who's Walking

Big Brother Calvin is 16 months old today! Henry is still a few days shy of one month. Both boys are doing great and James and I are... well we're hanging in there trying to keep up with them!

I am very proud of my big boy Calvin.. he has been working hard on his newest skill: walking! Looks like my first baby is now a toddler!

Calvin has been cruising around the furniture for the past couple of months and walking with push toys like the little red wagon we have. For the past few weeks, he has been able to take one step without holding on to get from one piece of furniture to another. At the zoo on July 12 he was able to walk around a bit while holding one hand with James. While Granny Anne was here, she was encouraging Calvin to practice and she kept saying that he'd be walking by the time she left.

Sure enough, on July 24, the day Granny and Danpa were leaving to go home to Georgia, Calvin took two steps on his own to get from the couch to Granny's outstretched arms! We were so proud of him!

A couple days later, Calvin could take three steps by himself. Then three turned to four... and now he can walk across the room! Still wobbly, especially if he tries to turn around, but he is getting stronger and more balanced every day. I wanted to share a few cute vids of him walking :)

Here he is on July 31...

Then the next day at the park... Ok this one has more standing and sitting than walking, but it's still adorable.

And here's the latest one taken yesterday.

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