
Monday, March 11, 2013

On the Trail Again

B.C. (Before Calvin) James and I used to do kind of a lot of hiking. We live in such a great place for outdoorsy hobbies: there are tons of beautiful trails nearby! But over the past year we haven't really been on many hikes... and it's not even because of Calvin it's more because of James' injury last year (motorcycle accident - yikes) and The PhD Dissertation and Defense (double yikes). But now, thankfully, James is healed up, the defense is defended, the dissertation is written (awaiting final word from The Committee) and we finally have some free weekend time to get back to the great outdoors.

A couple of weeks ago we went on a beach and hillside hike in Montara with some friends - complete with babies in tow! We stopped for lunch on a grassy spot overlooking the ocean and let the babies crawl around and nom on some carrots and baby food (Calvin also sampled some blades of grass).

Glimpse of my 21 week preggers belly!

That looks yummy. Imma have that?

Get your own carrot, Calvin.

You guys! This stuff is so weird!

The next weekend James, Calvin and I went on another hike a little farther south near Crystal Springs Reservoir. We had some gorgeous sunny weather to enjoy.

I love Calvin in this sun hat! 

Following the yellow brick road...

Our hike led us to this little park around the Water Temple.

Belly at 22 weeks
It was so nice to be out hiking again! We are hoping to keep it up in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. You Californians are always trying to nom some grass! Love the pictures lady!! :D
