
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chicken's First Halloween

One early morning, when Calvin was just a teeny newborn, James and I were watching him sleep and listening to his soft snores with sleepy, new-parent wonder. "He's like a little bird," I said, and James laughed because it was true. His snoring was like a bird cooing. "Like a little... chicken!" And that was it because it was perfect. Ever since then, Calvin has been our little chicken. And he still snores like one too.

So Chicken Calvin celebrated his very first Halloween! I put up some little decorations and set up a photo backdrop. I also made his costume myself (in case you couldn't tell by the kitchen glove chicken feet!) with some guidance from Martha Stewart.

Last Friday, we hosted a little costume party with a few friends and their babies. Our attempts to take photos of the kiddos were pretty hysterical. The babies kept falling over, Sagan kept running away, the sheet kept falling down, and Calvin would only tolerate the whole thing with his pacifier in his mouth (mostly hidden by the feathers)! It was right around bedtime, so you can see the chicken falling asleep on the nearest pumpkin! We did manage to get a few pics of all four kiddos, and I would like to title those pictures "A Chicken and a Fire Dog Visit a Pumpkin Patch."

On Actual Halloween, Calvin and I went to visit the school where I used to teach. They were having a costume parade so I got to see my little former students in all their costumed glory. Everyone oohed and aahed over baby Calvin, of course! 

That night, we went to another party at a friend's house with some other parents and kiddos from the mom & baby group I go to. The babies were so adorable in their costumes! Calvin was the only baby boy in the group. It was so great to have friends with babies to spend our Halloween with!

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